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WorldWide Expert Conferences Ltd announces a NEW conference: « AZERBAIJAN: CORRESPONDING BANKING & TRADE FINANCE 2022» to be held in Baku on 23 June 2022.
Our Trade Finance conferences are successfully developing in a number of countries and bring together senior management representatives of regional and international banks, corporations and financial institutions, contributing to the exchange of experience, development and support of business relations and, accordingly, increase the activity of the trade finance market in the region.
We are pleased to continue this proud tradition into a promising new region! As usual, the conference will be supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and will include presentations of regional state structures and regulators, as well as local and international banks and corporations.
Also at this conference there will be a unique and popular discussion of export credit agencies «ECAs CLUB IN BAKU» (ECAs Panel Discussion) with the participation of SACE(Italy), EGAP (Czech Republic), EKN (Sweden), OeKB(Austria), Euler Hermes (Germany), FINNVERA(Finland), SINOSURE(China) and many others. (the full list TBC)
For detailed programme and registration please write to:
or call:
London: +44 208 947 2582 or +44 7793 742 821